

What is terradance® practice?
terradance® reminds us that all is in motion and through movement we are connected. From the subatomic world to human societies and into the realm of galaxies and the universe, moving is one way to gain perspective within a given context. For people, terradance® is a strategy for exploring their relationship to the Earth.

How does terradance® look?
Axial rotations around the spine, gestures toward the earth and sky, and rhythmic foot patterns are some of the many ways terradancers move. Techniques also involve using a reference system that parallels how the Earth resides in geographical space (i.e. the four cardinal directions).

What type of music does terradance® use?
Often terradance® is accompanied by drumming, other types of rhythmic percussion, and/or sounds of nature such as bird songs, wind, etc. Specially designed tracks for terradance® are available via iTunes.

Why is terradance® practice important?
terradance® heightens the awareness of movement similarities between people and the Earth. Understanding these relationships provides balance, which becomes a tool to adapt to increasing change and encountering new ideas.

Who can participate in terradance®?
terradance® experiences greatly benefit all people through self-empowerment as they discover ways to embody the Earth.

Where does terradance® occur?
Environments that encourage creative movement inspired by the Earth are ideal for terradance® practice. These may include studios or indoor movement facilities as well as outdoor spaces like parks, zoos, beaches, forests and numerous other terrains.